Imagine an platform that was half Instagram, half, where plus size people could post photos of their outfits and be introduced to others with similar body types for an endless stream of curvy-girl inspo. ...
The cusp of summer and fall is the hands-down best part of the year if you're a fashionable farmer. Have you ever noticed how much fall fashion inspo revolves solely around beautiful women wearing wispy floral dresses in fields for ...
After events like the Met Gala and the derby, it becomes painfully clear that I am too poor to ever buy, wear, or maintain anything high fashion. Thankfully, sneaky budget fashion brands do an excellent job of making budget-obsessed people ...
These 18 women make sweatshirt-based outfits look like high-fashion with a massive dose of comfort. ...
Cobalt blue is a color that doesn't really have an obvious season associated with it. It fits in with every type of weather, every climate, and every skin tone. Lately, I've been drawn to it, and due to it being a ...
All of these within-my-lifetime style revivals are throwing me for a loop. I remember flipping through the pages of delia*s and Alloy catalogues, looking at the different ways to start expressing yourself by showing skin - 80% of which I was ...
Now that we're headed towards the middle of winter with the worst yet to come - are you missing spring and summer yet? Coming across this spread featuring Zooey Deschanel (shot by Ellen Von Unworth) in Glamour's February 2013 issue had ...
Sheer fabric, sheer mesh, sheer everything - it's another style that doesn't seem to fade with time, yet has tiny moments of glory throughout history. Notoriously sexy, ironically demure, and versatile enough to fit into everything from preppy to goth-y. ...
You're online? Today? Man, your family must be either drunk or boring, and for that I am sorry! I'm highly flattered that you stopped by, but I'm afraid all I have to offer in terms of amusement and occupation is ...
Source: Rawwblog I know so many ladies who are, simply put, terrified of silk pants. They're afraid they'll cling in horrible areas, rip at the seams, or just look generally awful. Anyone who gets past those points usually gets halted in ...
I know it's Halloween and everything, but I am an old person who doesn't really dress up or go out or... do... anything on Halloween. So lame, I know. I plan to buy coffee and walk through a lively, bar-filled ...
Fashion Photo of the Day Source ...
It's been called armor. It's been called avant garde. It's been called old-school, and it's been called.... 8-bit? Sabine Ducasse is a Shanghai-immersed, French artist who has taken a page from the childhoods of many, and utilized Perler beads (the plastic tube ...
While, when going out, you'll likely see me in something that has a decent balance of draped vs. skin-bearing, were I to have more opportunities to wear more ladylike items (not necessarily appropriate for dive bars, though, my philosophy clearly states ...