My issues with knockoffs & “replica” fashion is not news to most of you, I’m sure. I have little to no respect for companies who produce only knockoffs of high-end designer (or worse, independent designer) products, and do my best to steer clear of anything related to the idea.
Project Wonderful is one of the coolest independent advertising tools I’ve come across in my 3 years as a blogger – you can see the Project Wonderful ads under the “Sponsors” heading in the sidebar. They allow anyone to advertise for pennies per day, allowing smaller businesses to bid on high traffic sites and, consequentially, improve their business. I love it!
However, I’ve encountered my first problem with Project Wonderful, and have written them a letter:
I run a budget/ethically-conscious fashion blog, and have your ads installed on my sidebar. I noticed that a company advertising knock-off/replica designer products bid on my space, and won. I went to cancel the bid (as it is not only unlawful to sell the intellectual property of others, but also ethically questionable) and couldn’t help but wonder why such a fabulous supporter of independent artists such as yourself would allow the very thing that independent designers fear and battle to participate?
No need for an immediate response, explanation or anything of the sort… I love Project Wonderful, and recommend you to all my friends (and will continue to do so!), but I do urge you to consider revising your policy on replica and knockoff retailers.
Lindsay Ginn | Elle
Public Relations
How do you guys feel about this? Do you think I’m overreacting? Or do you agree?