It's easy to be the Queen of Contouring when you are born with cheekbones like Chrissy Teigen's. It's like her cheeks have actual apples in them. As far as new beauty icons go, one that happily makes fart jokes on national television is ...

When I first saw the model/actress, Jaime King, she was "James King" and there was no possibly way she could get cooler. It was the mid-90s, she was 15 one of the top runway models for Christian Dior and Chanel, and ...

It took me 29 years before I realized how important makeup brushes are to the entire cosmetic-applying experience. Since I reference my obsession with YouTube in every single post these days, I'll dive right in and tell you that I've fallen in ...

Over the last couple of months, I have been trying to take better care of my skin - not just the skin on my face, but also the other 95% that covers the rest of my body. I've admittedly been ...

I grew up splitting my time between two houses: one with a single father in it (we ate a lot of ice cream), and the other kept my mom and sister, whose skincare educations started in their early teens. I did ...

Staring at the vast sea of sameness that exists on every drugstore beauty aisle can be daunting. There are eleven different international brands that have at least 20 nail polish colors and ten lipstick colors to choose from - not to mention the ...

My favorite vegan, cruelty-free cosmetics line is about to unveil their newest product that will make their famous Lip Tar even more accessible. Soon, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics will release Lip Tar / RTW - an improved formula of OCC's famous Lip Tar ...

To conclude the epic three-week party that is Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty, I figured we'd just go ahead and give away hundreds of dollars in high end cosmetics and makeup and beauty products and skincare. Sound good to you? How ...