Whew - we snuck this monthly favorites list in right before the door to July closed on us! With summer in full swing, I feel like I have only half as much time as I did in the fall and ...
Remember when the only drugstore makeup for medium to dark complexions was the Queen Latifah collaboration with CoverGirl? Things are finally starting to change. Not only are black-owned beauty brands (BOBB, for short) highly celebrated in the beauty community, but ...
The University of Central Florida's Project HEAL chapter is creating self-care packages for finals week that directly fund eating disorder treatment & recovery programs for those who can't afford them. ...
This list was hard to narrow down because it was accidentally a combination of January and February thanks to poor scheduling on my part. Ha. But the sheer quantity of things I've been discovering has been ramping up in a big ...
Every year, Oprah releases her gift guide: a long list of exciting products that she likes to call Oprah's Favorite Things. I'm always eager to sift through to find the "favorite things" that are, like, affordable at all. ...
Here is the first POPSUGAR Must Have Box of 2017, and the theme is renewal. At POPSUGAR, January 2017 is new, fresh, detoxifying, motivational, healthy, and revitalized. That all sounds good to me! I'm ready to breath some fresh, cold-ass air ...
I always jump at the opportunity to review POPSUGAR Must Have boxes because they are either entirely a hit, like last month's September Must Have Box, or they are complete misses like the July box. (You can read the tea ...
At the end of my 20s, two goals have emerged with a new, fiery importance: keeping my skin in really good shape and always smelling good. The skin part makes sense because I'm dealing with dumb fine lines and wrinkles ...
c.Booth has been on my list of brands to try for ages. I've never been a huge body lotion fan, but there was something about c.Booth's approach to skin hydration that made me want to see if their message of ...
There's no denying that shopping is a form of self-healing. The problem with that plan is that shopping is also a form of financial self-defeat. Yeah, stuff costs money! It's really annoying! That's why, every once in a while when ...
Everyone I've ever spoken to about hair care - including an 85 year old lady in Walgreens who was wearing a shower cap - insists that you must never brush your hair when it's wet! But now, at 30, I've learned that there's ...
I grew up splitting my time between two houses: one with a single father in it (we ate a lot of ice cream), and the other kept my mom and sister, whose skincare educations started in their early teens. I did ...
The first time I moved into a vintage apartment building was on the north side of Chicago when I was 23. It was a tiny little place with an exposed brick wall, exposed pipes, and a stunning wood floor. Sure, ...
Soap & Paper Factory doesn't actually sell paper. And, sure, they have some soaps, I guess, but I've always loved them for their fragrances. When they paired up with the highly-reputed visual designers at Patch NYC, the two produced a line ...
You know a industry that doesn't get shaken up that often? The Toothpaste industry. You'd think that this sink staple that has been in your mouth, twice a day, pretty much every day since you were born would have a bit ...
CLEAR Scalp & Hair Therapy is a brand of haircare that focuses their attention not only on the hair, itself, but the base of the hair and the stuff it grows out of - aka your scalp. It promises healthier, ...
Typically, I am an incense person or a candle person, but there are way too many places where flaming objects are not only inadvisable, but straight up dangerous. Car, office (you don't want to be the "too much stench" person ...
I am a huge stocking fan. I'm just a huge holiday fan, in general, but putting thought & effort into the tiniest gifts is so much fun, I get excited about it every year. I like to keep a stash of mini-gifts ...
No, it really is! I can't flip through a magazine without being bombarded with everyone's rekindled love for rose scented... things. What kind of things? All kinds of things. Candles, moisturizers, misting sprays, perfumes, cleansers... If you believe in all of that ...
"Training Wheels" is a column that introduces new fashion/beauty addicts to classic must-have items from various locations, featuring one merchant per post. If you're not familiar with Lush Cosmetics, I strongly suggest you climb out of the rock you've been ...