If you've been through a Walmart within the last year while on a quest for new beauty, you've probably seen the striking black and white packaging of Kokie Cosmetics. They're a Maryland-born brand that's cruelty-free and takes inspiration from the ...
A post dedicated to the wondrous marriage of galactic imagery and affordable beauty products is long overdue. Over the last year or more, we've seen everything "cosmic," "intergalactic," and "celestial" hit the beauty shelves everywhere from prestige beauty departments to ...
Whether it's bunnies, burgers, bongs, or broken cellphones - Nail Pop LLC has a nail decal for you. ...
Spend $20 on beauty and personal care products, and Target will hook you up with a $5 gift card! ...
Before the summer officially leaves us, I figured I should take a break from tiny house building to bust out my favorite sandals & play with some gel polish. There's something about blue-green polish that makes me into a total ...
Yay for Earth Day/Week/Month! All of the best ethical and eco-friendly companies come out of their off-grid treehouses to offer some of the best deals you'll see outside of the holiday season! Zoya has been around since the beginning of ...
This daily deal is barely a deal at all, its more like a legitimate free-for-all. To cut to the chase, Zoya will give you four polishes if you'll pay for shipping. Their shipping is listed at $15, and with each ...
BeautyBrands.com now carries Orly EPIX Flexible Color – an intensely strong, gel-like (but stronger) nail polish formula that brings long-term manicures home. ...
Floral nail art manicures have been perfected within the last couple years, thanks largely in part to picture-perfect nail wraps. The rest of the responsibility, though, falls onto the shoulders of nail artists, both professional and amateur, as they have ...
I am embarrassed to say that I have been hoarding this book, bound un-cracked, for nearly a year. Shameful! So shameful. I wasn't even hoarding it for myself, I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to unleash it onto the world, ...
You know where I like to do my nails? In bed. In fact, I like to spend as much time in bed as possible. The ironic part? I hate sleeping. I am all about the comfort of bed. Everything worth doing can ...
If you haven't been invited to a Jamberry party on Facebook, you're not officially in the year 2015 because that's pretty much all we do now. Nail wraps are not really a new thing, but with the extreme re-popularity of ...
Who is Madeline Poole? Unless you're obsessed with staying on the cutting edge of nail art, you likely have no clue who this charming, robed woman is. Madeline Poole is a freelance nail artist in Los Angeles, CA. She is ...
After the beautifully bland experience that my green nails highlighted, I found myself unable to stop thinking about neutral sweaters with bright nails. Mostly sweaters, if we're being honest. Is it weird to be inspired by a sweater? My sweater ...
Maybe it's the fleeting glimpses of spring seen between random hail storms and snow flurries, but green has slowly been seeping into my wardrobe lately. Once it took over my closet, it went after my disorganized bag of nail polish, ...
All the luxurious fabrics of wintertime, compounded and layered like a crazy onion of fashion elegance. Velvet on top of silk on top of fleece on top of wool... Sounds insane. Probably is. I have accepted that as a possibility ...
Nail polish fans, this is your lucky day because today's Daily Deal features one of the cult favorites of home manicurists/people who post a lot on nail-related message boards & claim to know what they're talking about. Seche Vite Fast ...
Recently, I spent two weeks away from home. I was living out of a duffel bag and spending a lot of time in other people's space, so it was important that I pack smart... which I thought I had done ...
Back to school time means that every single one of the fashion & style brands out there are going to be vying for your attention with all kinds of shiny sales, clearance events, and free stuff. I'm am so okay with ...
There is no better high than the rush you get off of finding something marked down to one dollar. Oh man, I can feel it a little bit just thinking about it... A full-sized, decent-quality item... a dollar. One dollar. Four ...