Native doesn't pretend to know what "rain" smells like. They don't try to tell you that you're going to smell like an "afternoon" or a "sunset," so they definitely won't try to sell it to you. They don't have to! ...

What could possibly be more appropriate to post about today than the use of cannabis and hemp in beauty products? It's on the rise, and it doesn't even get you high at all! Well, in most cases. Hemp, the fiber, is ...

To conclude the epic three-week party that is Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty, I figured we'd just go ahead and give away hundreds of dollars in high end cosmetics and makeup and beauty products and skincare. Sound good to you? How ...

Finally! Smart stores with gigantic online commerce are wising up to the fact that everyone hates paying for shipping. Hate it... a lot. Amazon tackled this issue by offering Amazon Prime, which gives subscribers free 2-day shipping on select products for ...