Native doesn't pretend to know what "rain" smells like. They don't try to tell you that you're going to smell like an "afternoon" or a "sunset," so they definitely won't try to sell it to you. They don't have to! ...
Spend $20 on beauty and personal care products, and Target will hook you up with a $5 gift card! ...
Ever since my makeup brush collection exploded and multiplied, I've felt a responsibility to actually use them all. I may or may not be guilty of getting makeup brushes because I feel like I'm "supposed" to have them... only to ...
What could possibly be more appropriate to post about today than the use of cannabis and hemp in beauty products? It's on the rise, and it doesn't even get you high at all! Well, in most cases. Hemp, the fiber, is ...
Determining whether or not new beauty trends and products are worth the hype is getting harder and harder as marketing gets more efficient. I heard about micellar water through a group of beauty gurus I happened upon on Facebook, but ...
c.Booth has been on my list of brands to try for ages. I've never been a huge body lotion fan, but there was something about c.Booth's approach to skin hydration that made me want to see if their message of ...
Recently, I came to a conclusion: I want to have really nice teeth forever. Or, I mean, as long as possible. Recently, my dude and I hit a big milestone: two years of no smoking! So that will obviously help me, ...
The first time I moved into a vintage apartment building was on the north side of Chicago when I was 23. It was a tiny little place with an exposed brick wall, exposed pipes, and a stunning wood floor. Sure, ...
To conclude the epic three-week party that is Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty, I figured we'd just go ahead and give away hundreds of dollars in high end cosmetics and makeup and beauty products and skincare. Sound good to you? How ...
It's never a good thing when your category title is consistently longer than the title of the brands you're featuring. "Affordable & Ethical Line to Love" - I mean it, I really do, but there needs to be an easier ...
Finally! Smart stores with gigantic online commerce are wising up to the fact that everyone hates paying for shipping. Hate it... a lot. Amazon tackled this issue by offering Amazon Prime, which gives subscribers free 2-day shipping on select products for ...