Jaws were dropping left and right as I scrolled through the sale section at Sephora. Some of these products were over 50% off... and for what reason!? No one knows?! ...And no one cares. Let's enjoy reaping the benefits of unexplainable ...

The first time I used a facial cleansing oil instead of a typical cream cleanser or gel cleanser, it legitimately changed my life... that is, once the confusion subsided. Don't let anyone tell you that I am any kind of ...

My experience with K-beauty is extremely limited, but I can't hold out much longer. I love that Korean beauty brands are starting to become more available in the USA. Before, I could go to Daiso and pick up a smattering ...

Here is the first POPSUGAR Must Have Box of 2017, and the theme is renewal. At POPSUGAR, January 2017 is new, fresh, detoxifying, motivational, healthy, and revitalized. That all sounds good to me! I'm ready to breath some fresh, cold-ass air ...

Did you see how many incredibly cool, beauty-focused advent calendars there were this year? What a brilliant idea! I hope that trend carries through next year, because there's nothing better than getting a surprise beauty gift every single day for a ...

If you haven't been on Instagram in the last six months, you are likely unaware that sheet masks are the new... regular masks, and they've been elevated to "beauty must-have" by editors and confidently buzzed participants of Girls' Night Ins around ...

At the end of my 20s, two goals have emerged with a new, fiery importance: keeping my skin in really good shape and always smelling good. The skin part makes sense because I'm dealing with dumb fine lines and wrinkles ...

What could possibly be more appropriate to post about today than the use of cannabis and hemp in beauty products? It's on the rise, and it doesn't even get you high at all! Well, in most cases. Hemp, the fiber, is ...

Wondering why the giveaways are stacking up like pizza boxes at a frat party? Well, it's Earth Month, and please don't forget to put those pizza boxes into the yard waste/compost bin. Every April, I get crazy with the giveaways because ...

Aside from the 50% off deals at the Ulta Glowing Skin Event, Ulta is also using this opportunity to celebrate some new additions to their skincare lineup. Alongside Murad, Peter Thomas Roth, Dermalogica and others, they're diversifying your balmy options even ...

Over the last couple of months, I have been trying to take better care of my skin - not just the skin on my face, but also the other 95% that covers the rest of my body. I've admittedly been ...

I grew up splitting my time between two houses: one with a single father in it (we ate a lot of ice cream), and the other kept my mom and sister, whose skincare educations started in their early teens. I did ...