Here is the first POPSUGAR Must Have Box of 2017, and the theme is renewal. At POPSUGAR, January 2017 is new, fresh, detoxifying, motivational, healthy, and revitalized. That all sounds good to me! I'm ready to breath some fresh, cold-ass air ...
Lucky Packs from innocent+twisted alchemy come around only a few times per year. They include five full-sized shadows, selected at random from Innocent & Twisted Alchemy's previous monthly collections. Last week, I bought this makeup organizer. I've never owned anything like ...
Now that the holidays have finally calmed down, I can get to the gifts I got for myself! Just kidding, I'm finally digging into my POPSUGAR Must Have Box from December 2016. It's appropriately winter-themed, so it will fit into ...
As soon as I saw these tins, my heart started fluttering. I'm weak for nostalgia, and these clever beauty tins send me thousands of memories while the contents also make me feel safe in an entirely different way. Each adorable ...
I hope that some of you got some good, comfy surprises for yourself during the DAWGS Black Friday Sale! There were more cozy winter basics in that sale than anywhere else I shopped on Black Friday. DAWGS is famous for ...
Hard Candy is one of the brands I distinctly remember from my childhood because I coveted their beauty products constantly. And, yes, it totally had something (if not everything, at age 12) to do with the packaging. Remember the Hard ...
Holiday releases get me every time. Not only do I love a well-packaged and curated set of anything, the beauty bundles like the Buxom 6 Degrees Below Sexy (available at Ulta and Sephora) are an extremely appealing and easy to validate way to ...
On top of being broke, I'm also kind of a serious procrastinator. When I was younger, I called it "hedonism" or "rebellion" or something, but now that I'm 32 I know it's actually called "I'm gonna not think about it ...
A few months ago, I came across a tiny feature in a fashion magazine about a bracelet called the Busy Girl Bangle. I never forgot about it, and that's noteworthy because bracelets usually bore the crap out of me. Usually, ...
I always jump at the opportunity to review POPSUGAR Must Have boxes because they are either entirely a hit, like last month's September Must Have Box, or they are complete misses like the July box. (You can read the tea ...
When you find a product that you can't imagine living without, but it's either sold out or too expensive, Shoptagr will watch it for you, then alert you once it's restocked or on sale. I've been using Shoptagr for years, ...
It's that exciting time of year when the beauty brands of the world start churning out their year-long projects: holiday products. Frequently, these are limited edition, but if a product really succeeds, the holiday season products can become permanent members ...
Yep, anyone can receive free sample products from PINCHme. All you have to do is tell them how you feel about the products. Finally! Bloggers and non-bloggers alike have a strong yearning to try new things, and an even stronger one to ...
A few weeks ago, I was invited to check out a new service: Aside from having a cool name, they provide a cool shopping service. They take all of the products from fashion spots around the net and compile ...
I know, I know - another secondhand clothing website. Don't worry, this post won't go on and on telling you how it's a special snowflake and different from other secondhand websites (even though it totally is). If the name of ...
If I could, I would have a subscription to every single subscription box in existence. Getting mystery stuff in the mail is one of my favorite things, it's like Christmas! Or birthdays! Or any other time people want to impress you ...
Before the summer officially leaves us, I figured I should take a break from tiny house building to bust out my favorite sandals & play with some gel polish. There's something about blue-green polish that makes me into a total ...
Doesn't it seem like every woman between the age of 15 and 50 has a necklace with a bird on it? Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not hating on animal jewelry. In fact, in ancient B&B history, I had ...
If you haven't been on Instagram in the last six months, you are likely unaware that sheet masks are the new... regular masks, and they've been elevated to "beauty must-have" by editors and confidently buzzed participants of Girls' Night Ins around ...
Here's a personal question: would you ever wear secondhand cosmetics? I have to cautiously admit that I am not... totally... grossed out by it? I mean, it's not like secondhand cosmetics are found at the bottom of a purse at Value Village and ...