These five indie brands may be unfamiliar to you, but they're dominating the world of Etsy beauty with their conscious packaging choices and oftentimes equally impressive ingredients. After all, an increased awareness of the effects of packaging go hand-in-hand with ...
Out of all the states in our country, no one is having a harder time than the Navajo Nation. Orenda Tribe is a collective of Indigenous artists that create sustainable products to support their people and protect their land. ...
You know the old saying: t'is the season to get more excited about stocking stuffers than than the actual gifts you're giving people. The little gifts are the best ones, wouldn't you agree? And I would almost go so far ...
15+ indie brands have posted up their best and spookiest limited edition beauty collections for Halloween 2018. Explore the dark side of beauty while it's still here! ...
Bang-Up Betty has all of our womanly bases covered: patriarchy smashing, science advocacy, juicy booty appreciation, pizza, and an inherent gift for hustle. ...
Bombsheller has at least one design for every type of Halloween lover. And many of these designs would be way easy to incorporate into a grown-ass goth's year-round wardrobe. The pair the I got, #SkullPile, definitely fits into that category. ...
Indie beauty brands continue to define the spirit of the season, and Shiro Cosmetics never misses the chance to get creative with their Halloween collections. Their inspirations range from pop culture to literature, and this year, their Into the Unknown ...
Just in time for the end of summer comes &Morgan, an indie print shop based in Connecticut, USA. Their designs are simple, clean, and are a veggie-lover's dream come true. Basically, if farmer's markets had merch for fans, it would ...
Mia Melon, my favorite indie outerwear brand, is having a summer blowout sale. Four of their extremely popular and gorgeous designs have been marked down from $150+ to $49. ...
Native doesn't pretend to know what "rain" smells like. They don't try to tell you that you're going to smell like an "afternoon" or a "sunset," so they definitely won't try to sell it to you. They don't have to! ...
Let's talk next-level food gifts for a second. Combine love for sustainability with equal or larger love of food and you have the entire schtick behind Back To The Roots. I first met this team when they'd just released their ...
Now it doesn't get much more affordable than this - Naja Lingerie, one of our favorite affordable and ethical lingerie companies, is running a wacky promotion where they'll send your BFF a pair of brand new, beautiful Naja panties for ...
I grew up splitting my time between two houses: one with a single father in it (we ate a lot of ice cream), and the other kept my mom and sister, whose skincare educations started in their early teens. I did ...
For the book lovers in my family, I turn away from the obvious choice of "books" and give literary themed gifts that they're sure to love, and definitely don't own yet! ...
Let me preface by stating that FreshPaper gift cards are definitely not for everyone in your life, but if there's a chef, gardener, farmer, or veggie-junkie in your life, be sure and tack one of these very special gift cards to ...
Do you know what bums me out? Gift guides. Having been a blogger for almost a decade, I've seen many years of elaborate, in-depth, creative gift guides published around the web from some of the best internet-diggers around, each post ...
Jus Animalium Culture Apparel (JACA) is a company that has devoted their aesthetic gifts to helping spread the word about animal cruelty - in the fashion industry and otherwise. (See the Jus Animalium Ethical Designer Profile for proof of their ...