Sometimes, we learn things best when we learn them the hard way. My Mom and sister whisked me away one afternoon in search of thai food (which we thoroughly enjoyed at Chinoise, down the street) and then, onward to one ...

We are strapped in ever so many ways. Strapped for cash, strapped for time, strapped for enthusiasm. I like to take momentary straps very seriously. Meet the Viking Buckle Boot. These spoke to me (softly, and sweetly) from the Reverse ...

I've fixated on yet another object. For weeks, I've been running into the same type of accessory... It pops up on my computer, it passes me on the street, it walks by me in restaurants - red boots. Rachel Marie ...

Steve Madden recently indulged us in their new fall wares, and I'll be honest - I'm... kind of excited? Steve Madden sort of known for their uncomfortable styles, and their maybe-too-high prices. At the same time, though, they hold a ...

BY PRINCESS POOCHIE OF SHOE DAYDREAMS Note from Elle: The other day, I was messing around on a shoe site, and saw the most amazing pair of shoes... I wanted to tell everyone about them! I wanted to describe them, ...