Sometimes I wonder how sugary, carbonated beverages are still somehow thriving in the consumer marketplace. They're not good for you, they're expensive, and some of the flavors are just downright weird. I mean, would Dr. Pepper be a good flavor ...
A lot of people ask me how a website for people without money could be all about shopping. Typically, I go on to tell them something that you guys already know: Broke & Beautiful, and being broke, is not so ...
Whew - we snuck this monthly favorites list in right before the door to July closed on us! With summer in full swing, I feel like I have only half as much time as I did in the fall and ...
Since pretty much everything is 30% off during this sale (coupon code is in the Sale Calendar post), we might as well get into some trouble at Cost Plus World Market. ...
From Fortnite to life changing lip treatments, here is a list of five things that I'm feelin' this month. ...
The University of Central Florida's Project HEAL chapter is creating self-care packages for finals week that directly fund eating disorder treatment & recovery programs for those who can't afford them. ...
The love of grocery shopping is a character trait. Some people set it equal to paying taxes or running into an ex - possibly because both are anxiety-inducing and can totally happen while you're grocery shopping. Others, like myself, frequently ...
Depending on how long you've followed me, you may or may not know how reliant I am upon America's favorite drug: coffee. (It's a lot.) (Possibly completely.) My day cannot begin until I've pressed a shot of espresso or brewed ...
My Broke Life wouldn't work at all if I didn't know how to cook. If I weren't able to plan and prepare budget-friendly food for myself, I would be screwed! Seriously! Not only because I would likely be wasting money daily ...
Whether you need a clever birthday gift, an unbeatable hostess gift, or a new shiny thing for yourself, you'll find it in this list. ...
Now that the holidays have finally calmed down, I can get to the gifts I got for myself! Just kidding, I'm finally digging into my POPSUGAR Must Have Box from December 2016. It's appropriately winter-themed, so it will fit into ...
Before you run out and buy your sister or boyfriend or coworker that light green glass tumbler from Starbucks that everyone is obsessing over, read this post. When they insist that their love for the one-of-a-kind iced coffee glass "has ...
Another month, another exciting POPSUGAR Must Have box! The November edition is all about entertaining and enjoying the wintry season. If you're following the constant saga of my (very honest) reviews of the POPSUGAR Must Have Boxes, I'll let you ...
I never really thought bread was expensive. I mean, four dollars per loaf or whatever seemed pretty harmless to a teenager with minimal responsibilities and controlled income. Then, I tried living on my own, and suddenly - $4 per week? ...
When it comes to being broke, the kitchen can become a battlefield. A war between your fridge and your finances is constantly thrashing, and what the hell are you going to eat?! If your favorite food on earth is dried ...
One of the main functions of my life that keeps me on the broke side is coffee. Specifically, espresso drinks. I have my winter drinks, like soy caramel lattes and peppermint mochas, but in the summertime (starting in early March, which indicates a ...
Let's talk next-level food gifts for a second. Combine love for sustainability with equal or larger love of food and you have the entire schtick behind Back To The Roots. I first met this team when they'd just released their ...
She's the Ann Perkins to my Leslie. My little illuminated squeak toy, my asparagus-flavored water peddler, my super buddy who also suffers the daily setbacks (and let's be real, advantages) of Chronic Bitch Face. I chose to give this Marshalls ...
Let me preface by stating that FreshPaper gift cards are definitely not for everyone in your life, but if there's a chef, gardener, farmer, or veggie-junkie in your life, be sure and tack one of these very special gift cards to ...
The moment in which I felt most understood was the moment I saw this scene from 30 Rock: Liz Lemon gets me. Heaven is being wrapped in a Snuggie next to a wood stove, just me, a knife, & a block of ...