Whew - we snuck this monthly favorites list in right before the door to July closed on us! With summer in full swing, I feel like I have only half as much time as I did in the fall and ...
From Fortnite to life changing lip treatments, here is a list of five things that I'm feelin' this month. ...
The first time I used a facial cleansing oil instead of a typical cream cleanser or gel cleanser, it legitimately changed my life... that is, once the confusion subsided. Don't let anyone tell you that I am any kind of ...
At the end of my 20s, two goals have emerged with a new, fiery importance: keeping my skin in really good shape and always smelling good. The skin part makes sense because I'm dealing with dumb fine lines and wrinkles ...
Do you know what bums me out? Gift guides. Having been a blogger for almost a decade, I've seen many years of elaborate, in-depth, creative gift guides published around the web from some of the best internet-diggers around, each post ...
Great news: you can now buy baby clothes, bullets, and Kinfolk Magazine all at the same convenient online destination! Let's jump right into this flaming volcano: it has been revealed to the world's peasants that Glenn Beck has a fashion company. Not just a ...
As I've mentioned before, the older I get, the more interested in dishes I get. Justifying large platters, individual ramekins, and unique one-off plates is a piece of cake now, and when really beautiful dishes and flatware are on sale, it's definitely ...
Have you been hearing buzz about the "British Invasion" of retail brands? One of those included in said "invasion" (and it really is a sweeping takeover of affordable fashion) is Very.co.uk. Aside from having an impressively inexpensive catalogue of their ...
It's been a while since I've worn anything on the internet, if you know what I mean, so I thought that I'd simultaneously pop in and prove that I still exist and am not a 47 year old man sifting ...
I love small spaces. They kind of symbolize what I love about living broke. Being broke, to me, isn't just about getting the largest swath of material items for the tiniest amount of cash... it's about simplifying. Living broke means incorporating ...
Buckets. That is the amount of rain Seattle is getting lately. Thus: hat season. We went out every day this past weekend and came home drenched. This also means that I wore my Hunter rainboots 100% of the time - ...
I am in a pickle! I fell in love with a dress upon first sight... There was just one problem: I didn't really like the dress. Let me explain. Dorothy Perkins Faux Leather Aztec Print Dress, $69 I love this ...
Anna Dello Russo is definitely a cult favorite among the high fashion kids, it seems, which is both refreshing and also just kind of underwhelming. Anna Dello Russo, for those who aren't familiar, is the fashion editor of Vogue Nippon, aka ...
We don't do a lot of ~trend talk~ on this website, but occasionally I exercise my Power Over Your Inbox/Feed/Social Network Content to pull on your coat about something or other; my version of Peter Griffin's "Grinds My Gears," if ...
Kohl's certainly is doing a good job of keeping their name in my mouth! ...That felt a lot weirder to type out than I expected it to. Anyway, tl;dr: Kohl's is tired of being the kid sister to Target, ...
Fences suck. Especially the fence between "rompers, cute!" and "rompers, ew!" It's a really blurry line for me right now! Previously, I've gone through two romper-related phases. The initial "Aw hell no!" phase, which lasted a while. Then, I entered ...
We wrote a heartfelt letter to Amanda Bynes. ...
In short: It's hard. Due to the Occupy movement and the nationwide protests taking place (of which I was proud - though momentary - participant), I've been thinking a lot about my job not just as a "blogger," but as ...
You know. Because "stiletto nails" are something I could type with. Or do anything with. Huh? ...
Don't they? They're called "Flannel," which is obvious, but Basset...that's just truth. Flannel Basset Hounds. Yep. ...