Simple jewelry is frequently my favorite jewelry. If there's too much going on, I start to overthink how I'm wearing it and typically end up either taking it off or wearing something I don't really want to wear to accommodate ...

When I first saw the model/actress, Jaime King, she was "James King" and there was no possibly way she could get cooler. It was the mid-90s, she was 15 one of the top runway models for Christian Dior and Chanel, and ...

If you've considered checking out Poshmark to sell your clothes but aren't sure that it's worth your time, please allow me to be your test subject. I offer myself as tribute. Of all the ways to get rid of old ...

For the last two years, my go-to leggings for everything from swanky events and casual days to personal training and five mile hikes has been Bombsheller. They've been a well-kept secret (with a few glimpses on Instagram), but I'm ready ...

Aside from the 50% off deals at the Ulta Glowing Skin Event, Ulta is also using this opportunity to celebrate some new additions to their skincare lineup. Alongside Murad, Peter Thomas Roth, Dermalogica and others, they're diversifying your balmy options even ...

Over the last couple of months, I have been trying to take better care of my skin - not just the skin on my face, but also the other 95% that covers the rest of my body. I've admittedly been ...

This daily deal is barely a deal at all, its more like a legitimate free-for-all. To cut to the chase, Zoya will give you four polishes if you'll pay for shipping. Their shipping is listed at $15, and with each ...

Let's talk next-level food gifts for a second. Combine love for sustainability with equal or larger love of food and you have the entire schtick behind Back To The Roots. I first met this team when they'd just released their ...

Now it doesn't get much more affordable than this - Naja Lingerie, one of our favorite affordable and ethical lingerie companies, is running a wacky promotion where they'll send your BFF a pair of brand new, beautiful Naja panties for ...

I grew up splitting my time between two houses: one with a single father in it (we ate a lot of ice cream), and the other kept my mom and sister, whose skincare educations started in their early teens. I did ...

For the book lovers in my family, I turn away from the obvious choice of "books" and give literary themed gifts that they're sure to love, and definitely don't own yet! ...

Let me preface by stating that FreshPaper gift cards are definitely not for everyone in your life, but if there's a chef, gardener, farmer, or veggie-junkie in your life, be sure and tack one of these very special gift cards to ...

Do you know what bums me out? Gift guides. Having been a blogger for almost a decade, I've seen many years of elaborate, in-depth, creative gift guides published around the web from some of the best internet-diggers around, each post ...

Recently, during fashion week (which I paid approximately zero real-time attention to), legendary makeup artist Pat McGrath sent models down the Prada S/S 2016 runway in minimal facial makeup and stunning gold metallic lipstick. The gold used in the Prada show ...